BEMER: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
The human body is a complex system that works best when working in harmony. From the organs at the core to the cells furthest out of reach from the heart, each part of the body needs nutrition to power the cells, and its own unique network of communication to keep each cell healthy and make sure it’s doing what it needs to do. This communication relies on a surprising method of sending messages: electricity. Using the power of small electrical signals also used by the human body, BEMER is a brief, relaxing treatment with long-lasting benefits.
Enjoy the benefits of BEMER at a wellness center in Tacoma, WA, Columbus, OH and Rehoboth Beach, DE.
How BEMER Works
Proper blood flow is key to providing ample oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Generally, blood flow is smooth and quick in the primary veins and arteries, but can be less productive as it approaches the small blood vessels of the extremities. This is why your hands and feet may feel cold while the rest of your body feels warm. For just 15 minutes per visit, BEMER uses electrical impulses to activate the blood vessels to stimulate blood flow, reaching the micro areas of the body. BEMER treatment is simple and relaxing: You can lie down and read, listen to music or just relax and let the electromagnetic waves do the work.
BEMER is a FDA-approved pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) that aids the body in many ways thanks to stimulated local blood flow. And best of all, it has absolutely no negative side effects!
Benefits of BEMER Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Though pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is brief, the benefits are long lasting. Improved blood flow, even for a short time, has many benefits in terms of recovery, physical fitness and vitality. This is because as blood flows smoothly, oxygen and nutrients are distributed with gusto and cellular waste is flushed away with ease. Specific benefits of BEMER include:
Improved local blood flow
Boosted vitality and wellbeing
Improved natural detoxification
Pain relief in target areas
Athletic Benefits
For athletes and for anyone who likes to be fit and in great form, there are special benefits that can help you flourish physically and mentally. Athletic benefits include:
Muscle conditioning
Boosted exercise recovery
Improved muscle performance
Promotion of muscle growth
Improved strength gain with exercise
The athletic benefits of PEMF are celebrated by athletes around the world. Shaquille O’Neal, Terrell Owens, Lance Armstrong, Muhammad Ali, and Roger Moore are each believed to make frequent use of PEMF therapy in their fitness regimens. Two-time Guinness World Record Holder Denise Korenek calls BEMER an integral part of her daily preparation, and 7x bicycling world champion Rebecca Rusch swears by BEMER’s benefits in blood flow.
More About BEMER
Not as simple as it sounds, PEMF follows a specific rhythm in order to communicate with the nerves of the body. This special wavelength encourages capillaries to widen and gently oscillate, encouraging local blood flow and allowing ample nutrients to reach areas of the body far from the core of the circulatory system. The electromagnetic impulses are perfectly safe, the same wavelength of the AM and FM radio waves that we use every day.
BEMER has absolutely no negative side effects, allowing you to visit with ease. For the same price as red light therapy, you can experience all the benefits of PEMF therapy in a quick 15 minutes. Find BEMER and other wellness services in Tacoma, WA, Columbus, OH and Rehoboth Beach, DE.