Planning Your Couples Float Date

Whether you’ve had a long week or are looking for a refreshing new experience, there is nothing like a romantic day with someone you love. If you’ve visited a float spa before, you know how soothing it can be, how it can make your whole week feel magical. 

couple on a float date holding hands

Sketching Out Your Day

Think of all the things that can make a day wonderful. Where are places the two of you like to visit, restaurants you adore? What are all the things you would like to build into your date to really make it special? Consider jotting down a few ideas. Remember not to shave the day before. (Epsom salt water is soothing to skin and gentle on the body but can sting newly shaven skin.) Are you visiting a different city in order to float? See things to do near Columbus, Seattle and Tacoma, or browse options near Portland and the resort town of Rehoboth Beach

Before Your Float

About an hour before your float, enjoy a light meal in one of your favorite spots as a couple. Perhaps a picnic at the park, maybe a salad with fruit and greens from the farmer’s market. Skip shaving the day of your float and skip the caffeine; it will help you to reach full relaxation when you float. After the meal, take a walk around town, maybe window shopping or strolling below the trees hand in hand. 

Enjoying Your Couples Float

The main event is finally here. You don’t need to bring a thing. You may like to bring your own towel, or a fresh set of clothes. Book two floats, aiming to arrive about 20 minutes early to make sure you’re ready for the experience. Take a warm or room temperature shower, then settle in. 

You may be surprised as the Epsom salt water easily lifts you up, as if you’re floating in midair. You will feel more buoyant than perhaps you ever have. Try the float spa with the soothing blue lighting. Some find this gentle light helps their minds to drift away, listening to their favorite music. For others, a float tank provides something even more compelling: the ability to close the lid on all the worries outside and finding inner peace in the perfect dark.

After Floating

When the float is complete, visitors find the tension is completely gone, both from the body and the mind. You may even emerge feeling brand new. Take your second shower, and meet your loved one in the lobby. Share your experiences, you will have tons to talk about!

After floating, you may want to do nothing more than continue to relax. You may be hungry, ready to enjoy an enticing meal with your refreshed perspective, or you may want to spend more quality time together. Leave this part of the date open-ended.

Floating is a gift we give to ourselves and those we share it with. Find a float spa near you for this wonderful experience.


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